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My teaching activity

During work at the university I had the honour to lead following courses:

  1. Mathematical methods of operations research (lectures, laboratory works, 3, 4 year FITBMC1).
  2. Functional and convex analysis (lectures, practical trainings, 3 year FITBMC1).
  3. Modern methods of solving discrete programming problems (lectures, laboratory works, 4 year FITBMC1).
  4. Modeling and analysis of software (lectures, laboratory works, 4 year FITBMC1).
  5. Technology of visual programming (lectures, laboratory works, 5, 6 year FITBMC1).
  6. Parallel programming for multiprocessor solving systems (lectures, laboratory works, 6 year FITBMC1).
  7. Methods and facility of computer information technology (lectures, laboratory works, 1 year FITBMC1).
  8. Modern problems of optimization (lectures, laboratory works, masters MF4).
  9. Mathematical methods of optimization (lectures, practical trainings, laboratory works, 4 year FITBMC1).
  10. Mathematical modeling of economic systems (lectures, practical trainings, laboratory works, 4 year FITBMC1).
  11. Mathematical programming (laboratory works, 2 year economics faculty).
  12. Computer graphic (laboratory works, 2 year FITBMC1, 4 year chemical faculty).
  13. Information technologies of the education (laboratory works, 5 year FITBMC1, mathematics faculty).
  14. Bases of the informatics and computing machinery (laboratory works 1, 2 year economics faculty, 1 year jurisprudence, 2 year RGF2).
  15. Network operating systems (lectures, laboratory works, FIQRC3).
  16. Organization and operation hardware-computing complex (lectures, laboratory works, FIQRC3).
  17. Modern office technologies (lectures, laboratory works, FIQRC3).

1FITBMC – faculty of information technology and biomedical cybernetics.
2RGF – faculty of romance-germanic philology.
3FIQRC – faculty of increasing to qualifications and retraining of cadres.
4MF – mathematical faculty.

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©Gromozeka & Boris, 2005