Scientific articles
- Lozova O.G., Onischenko B.O., Sivolovskij I.M., Suprunenko O.O.
About possibility of implementation of directives of technology OpenMP for the Ada programming language
// Eastern European journal of enterprise technologies. – 2012. – ¹ 5/2(59). – P. 6-11.
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- Onischenko B.O., Suprunenko O.O.
Standardization projects implementing information and computer systems and technology in medicine
// Eastern European journal of enterprise technologies. – 2010. – ¹ 5/2(47). – P. 42-45.
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- Onischenko B.O., Suprunenko O.O.
Managing Petri Nets, as mean of modeling and automated analysis of algorithmic constructions
// Reporter of Zaporizhzhya National University. – 2009. – ¹ 1. – P. 197-203.
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- Onischenko B.O.
Analysis of mathematical models of products distribution between production facilities
// Reporter of Cherkassy University. – 2009. – ¹ 172. – P. 52-58.
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- Norkin V.I., Onischenko B.O.
Optimization of reliability of complex system by stochastic branch and bound method
// Cybernetic and System Analysis. – 2008. – Vol. 3. – P. 129-141.
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- Onischenko B.O. Solving one problem of stochastic global optimization of parallel branch and bounds method on the cluster
// Computer mathematics. – Vol. 3. – Kiev: Glushkov Ins-t of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine, 2005. – P. 153-160.
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- Norkin V.I., Onischenko B.O.
Minorant methods for stochastic global optimization
// Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. – Algorithms for Optimization with Incomplete Information, 2005.
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- Norkin V.I., Onischenko B.O.
Minorant methods of stochastic global optimization
// Cybernetic and System Analysis. – 2005. – Vol. 2. – P. 56-70.
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- Norkin V.I., Onischenko B.O. A branch and approximate bounds method
// Computer mathematics. – Vol. 1. – Kiev: Glushkov Ins-t of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine, 2005. – P. 152-160.
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- Norkin V.I., Onischenko B.O. On the global minimization of minimum functions by the minorant method
// The Theory of Optimum Decisions. – Vol. 3. – Kiev: Glushkov Ins-t of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine, 2004. – P. 56-63.
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- Norkin V.I., Onischenko B.O. The branch and bound method with minorants estimations for the decision of problems of stochastic global optimization
// Computer mathematics. – Vol. 1. – Kiev: Glushkov Ins-t of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine, 2004. – P. 91-101.
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- Norkin V.I., Onischenko B.O. On stochastic analogue of a Pijavskii's method of global optimization
// The Theory of Optimum Decisions. – Vol. 2. – Kiev: Glushkov Ins-t of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine, 2003. – P. 61-67.
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Thesis of conferences
- Onischenko B.O. Features of the implementation of the parallel algorithm branch and bound method for multiprocessor systems with distributed and shared memory
// Modeling & simulation in electrotechnology, electronics and lighting engineering: Materials of international scientific and technical conference MEEC'10. – K.: DHMCSPE of Pukhov’s IMPPE NAS of Ukraine, September 15-17, 2010. – P. 39–40.
- Onischenko B.O., Nebilitsa A.Yu. Principles of determining the coordinates of light marker using the branch and bound method
// Materials of second international scientific and technical conference "Informational and modelling technologies", Cherkassy, May 21-24, 2009, P. 14.
- Onischenko B.O. Features of paralleling of branch and bound method
// Materials of first international scientific and technical conference "Informational and modelling technologies", Cherkassy, June 11-12, 2009, P. 7.
- Onischenko B.O. Applied of the parallel algorithms for realization global optimization methods
// Materials of All-Ukrainian scientific conference "Actual problems of analisis and modelling of complex systems", Cherkassy, June 19-20, 2007, P. 28.
- Tryus Yu.V., Onischenko B.O., Krasnoshlyk N.O. Study modern problem of optimization by future applied mathematicians
// Materials of All-Ukrainian scientific conference "Actual problems of analisis and modelling of complex systems", Cherkassy, June 19-20, 2007, P. 40-41.
- Onischenko B.O. On optimization of reliability of network by means of a stochastic branch and bound method
// Thesis of international conference "Problems of decision making under uncertainties 2006", Alushta, September 18-23, 2006, P. 43-45.
- Sivolovskiy I.M., Onischenko B.O.Computation of effective facilitie location of service centres with applied tecnic of the parallel programming of MPI
// Materials of V All-Ukrainian conference of young scientists "Information technologys in education, science and engineering", Cherkassy, May 3-5, 2006, P. 11.
- Sivolovskiy I.M., Onischenko B.O. Applied tecnic of the parallel programming of MPI for computation of effective facilitie location of service centres
// Materials of seventeen scientific session of the cell of Shevchenko's scientific association in Cherkassy, Cherkassy, March 14-24, 2006, P. 202-203.
- Onischenko B.O. Decision of one problem of stochastic global optimization by parallel branch and bound method
// Materials of VIII international scientific and practical conference "Science and education 2005", Dnipropetrovsk, February 7-21, 2005, Vol. 23, P. 52-54.
- Onischenko B.O. On minorants methods of stochastic global optimization
// Thesis of international conference "Problems of decision making under uncertainties 2004", Ternopil, May 25-30, 2004, P. 45-47.
- Onischenko B.O. On generalization a Pijavskii's method of global optimization
// Materials of X academician M. Kravchuk international scientific and practical conference, Kiev, May 13-15, 2004, P. 472.
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- Onischenko B.O. Program package for decision of problems of stochastic global optimization
// Materials of IV All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Information technologys in science, education and engineering", Cherkassy, April 28-30, 2004, Vol. 1, P. 24-25.
- Onischenko B.O. On minorants methods of stochastic global optimization
// Thesis of international conference "Problems of decision making under uncertainties 2003", Alushta, September 8-12, 2003, P. 140-141.
- Tryus Yu.V., Onischenko B.O. Computer-oriented system of teaching in course "Mathematical methods of optimization"
// Materials of III All-Ukrainian scientific conference "Information technologys in science, education and engineering", Cherkassy, 2002, P. 155-156.
- Tryus Yu.V., Onischenko B.O. Use The MATHCAD 2000 PROFESSIONAL for solve problems of optimization
// Materials of international conference, dedicate to 200-years with the birthday of M.V. Ostrogradskiy, Poltava, September 26-27, 2001, P. 46-48.
- Onischenko B.O., Kovba I.V., Monova O.S., Shapoval J.V., Tryus Yu.V. Use modern information technologies in course "Mathematical methods of optimization"
// Thesis of II All-Ukrainian scientific conference "Information technologys in science, education and engineering", Cherkassy, April 18-20, 2000, P. 84.
- Onischenko B.O. A tool for constructing three-dimensional objects
// Thesis of All-Ukrainian student scientific conference "Actual problems of natural and humanities sciences in the studies of students" (Rodzinka'99), Cherkassy, May 13-14, 1999, P. 38.